- Short offer: In the offers and orders the product category cost column was added to the product sets
- Short offer: When the additives came from the product and had the default dimensions of the product in the set, it did not bring the correct dimensions per product in the offer – order. Solved
- Short offer: When the rolling shutter had a deposited rolling shutter, the grout covers did not calculate the correct section. Solved
- Orders: Correction of calculation of order line sets when there is a choice in materials minimum dimension per meter
- Orders: New scenario for the purchase status of the order. The entire history of the purchase of materials is recorded to be monitored by the entire company
Connectivity with ERP: The goods did not cross the bridge on the Softone order. Solved
- New printings: Orders for Scissors (Sabadoor)
- Customer Offer DrDom: Change of company details
- Optimize Time Saving (ARV): the Profile Code as a filter
- Optimize Label (ARV): the Profile Code as a filter
Exoikonomo (Thermoplastiki): Display Positioning and Extras separately
Financial Offer (SPITZE): Sort with Auto Group
Financial Offer with Discount (SPITZE): Customization with the Auto Team
Customer Order: Change in appearance